Thursday, December 4, 2008

4 months- it's about time for an update!

Tomorrow Maisy is 4 months old already! Despite the fact she is teething, Maisy is such a joy and we're having so much fun being parents. Looks like the last time I blogged was at 9 1/2 weeks and the biggest change since then is that she has been sleeping through the night in her crib. She usually goes down between 11-12 and wakes up around 7 or 8 to eat, then goes back to sleep for another one to three hours. This has been going on since she was 10 weeks old so we feel really lucky. When we go in and get her after she wakes up she is super smiley and happy and it's the best feeling. The world could be crumbling around us and it would make us smile. (Cheesy, I know, but that is truly the feeling.)
As for other developmental milestones, Maisy has just started to hold things a little bit. She can hold onto things for a while now before dropping them, and is starting to lift things to her mouth with both hands. She loves grabbing my necklaces and glasses and is now very interested in toys. Her other new thing is screaming, just because she can, which was kind of cute at first. That cuteness got old really fast, so now we're teaching her the word "No!" :-P
There are so many new things happening with Maisy everyday that I am having trouble remembering them all so I'll just list a few more. Grandma and Grandpa Fredericksen bought her a jumperoo and last night she realized she could jump in it (before she just stood and played with the toys). She isn't a pro yet, but it is so funny watching this 2 ft tall little person trying to jump up and down. I can't wait to get some video of it. Her little legs are getting so strong, and when we hold her arms, she can push herself up into standing position. She also tries to sit upright when she is laying down slightly.
I'm betting this blog is a bit scattered, but I rarely get a chance to type with 2 hands and I want to get as much down as I can before Yo Gabba Gabba is over. That show is our savior!
Ok. I'm about to go but before I do here are Maisy's stats from her 3 month dr. visit. We're bringing her for her 4 month check-up tomorrow so we'll see how much bigger she got. :-)

weight: 12lb, 13 oz
length: 23-3/4 in

If you haven't already seen them, check out the new youtube vids!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I can't wait to see the jumparoo videos. Those things turn babies into crazy little things! I'm glad you are enjoying every bit of your parenting adventures!