Saturday, October 11, 2008

9 1/2 weeks

Well, it's been a while. I wish I would have been more motivated to post updates these past several weeks, so I'll try and make up for it now.
Things are going well over here and we're settling in. It now feels like Maisy has always been here. The first 4 weeks were kind of rough, but I think we've found our rhythm. Maisy has been cooing and smiling a lot for the past 3-4 weeks. She also holds her head up really well now, and can turn it from side to side without it flopping all over the place. This makes life a little easier for us. About 2 weeks ago she discovered her feet and when she sits on my lap while facing me, stares at them while she kicks and makes funny noises. She also discovered her hands a few days ago. She had been reaching out to touch our faces for a couple weeks, but about 3 days ago I caught her sussing out those strange things at the end of her arms. She's grabbing for stuff a lot more now, too, which is pretty fun, because she wasn't interested in toys at all until she discovered her hands. One of her other favorite things to do is stand while we hold her. She's got some pretty strong legs, that little one! She likes to sort of walk while being held, like a little marionette. She also loves to sit in her swing and stare at the plastic toys sitting on the tray in front of her. First she was obsessed with the zebra (Or is it a white tiger? This is up for debate). I laughed everytime I saw her staring at it because she wouldn't look away the entire time she was in the swing. She kind of looked at it like, "Who the hell are you and what do you want with me?" After about a week the zebra got boring and she's moved onto the giraffe who is in color. Sometimes I catch her cooing at it.
So that's what's been going on so far. We're having lots of fun with little Maisy (aka "Pickle"), and can't wait until she starts laughing and playing more.
Oh, I should mention that at our 4 week visit to the pediatrician she weighed in at 9 lb, 4 oz, and was still 21 inches. We've got another visit next Friday so hopefully I can get an update posted after that appointment.

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