Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ginger Ale

I'd like to take a brief moment to give props to my favorite pregnancy beverage, Ginger Ale. Not only has it relieved my nausea time and time again, but it's the closest thing I'm going to get to a beer any time soon! Thank you, Ginger Ale!

Friday, February 22, 2008

17 Weeks- Adventures in Cravings

I'm not much of a blogger unless there is a purpose, and thanks to my friend Jenny, I've decided pregnancy is about as purposeful as it can get. Since most friends and family are far away, I figure this is a good way to keep everyone updated on the pregnancy.

So on with it then...

Right now we're 17 weeks along (Paul is pregnant too, you know) and the baby is doing well. For those of you that don't already know, "Mavis" is a girl. Mavis is just a nickname, by the way. We don't think our daughter would be very happy about having a name that rhymes (a la Julia Gulia), so we're currently trying to narrow down a list of possible replacements. :)

As for the pregnancy the very annoying first trimester fatigue has pretty much worn off and so has the nausea for the most part, though I was never as nauseous as a lot of pregnant women I know. Now onto the new/continuing symptoms: forgetfulness, indecisiveness, and cravings. I think I would forget my own head if it weren't attached to my body. It really is amazing how mentally challenged I am at the moment. Along with this comes the inability to make a decision, no matter how small. Don't anybody invite me to a wedding anytime soon because the chicken or beef option would send me into a dither. Really, that was a bad example because it seems I am having an aversion to chicken (fried or bacon-wrapped excluded) . The idea of touching or smelling a raw chicken breast is vile. Can't do it since I've been pregnant. You think none of this makes sense? Join the club! Here's another puzzler. I never liked beer but right now I would give my right arm for an icy cold hefeweitzen! I don't really miss any other alcohol too much (no offense my lovely friend champagne), and beer would have been my last choice before pregnancy, but it's my first choice now. Other frequent cravings are cantaloupe, strawberries, hot sauce, vinegar, pickles, olives, cream cheese, french fries and pizza. I suppose by the looks of it I mainly need salt and vinegar. During the first trimester I had a huge craving for red velvet cupcakes, but let's face it, it was that cream cheese frosting I really needed.

So there you have it, my first blog. Our next ultrasound is on March 7th and they'll be looking closely at the baby's heart, brain, etc. For those of you that missed out, here is the link to the video recorded at the last ultrasound, around 14 weeks: