Tuesday, May 5, 2009

9 Months

I was determined to blog after a 5 month hiatus! Today is Maisy's 9 month birthday and she is such a little person! We're having such a blast and many laughs watching her grow. This afternoon we took her to the pediatrician. She now weighs 19 lbs, 7 oz and is 27 1/4 " long for those who like to keep track. So much time has passed since I've blogged that there's almost TOO much to write so I think a list is in order. Here's what Maisy has been up to:

exploring foods (and loving most of them-- squash is the only one that seems to repulse her)
drinking water from a sippy cup that she holds herself
picking up bits of food and feeding herself
waving hello and goodbye to anyone and everyone
chatting up a storm
pointing at things she wants
sitting up
crawling like a pro
pulling herself up and attempting to stand up in the middle of the floor
napping in her crib
screaming when she is excited (sometimes this is not fun for mommy and daddy)
riding in her carseat without crying (since 6 months- thank goodness!!)
blowing raspberries
her 2 bottom front teeth are in and the top 2 are poking through as we speak (unfortunately she's having a really rough time with these 2)
I'm probably missing something because every day it seems like there's something new. Just incase it takes me another 5 months to update, here's the link to her youtube channel:

Until next time...

This next one is blurry, but this picture pretty much sums up her personality, so I had to add it.


Jennifer said...

It's been so long since you blogged, I almost didn't notice you had. Since Maisy was born after mine, in my head she will always be this tiny baby. She is heavier than Amelia! I can't wait to see them next to each other and playing. Congrats momma!

Beth said...

too cute!